

Eesti Portselan

Eesti Portselan Oü got its start in Tallinn in 1992 under the name Kiviker Oü. When production grew we moved our manufacturing to Pajusti (near Rakvere) and changed the name so it would describe our business better. In this 5000 m2 big factory we manufacture all our china and heat-resistant products. We make customized mugs, bowls, pots etc with clients´ logo. The factory shop is open on work days from 10 am to 4 pm. When you come from afar please check the opening hours beforehand by calling +372 5688 5616 or by email info@eepo.ee. Groups can also visit us at different times.

Eesti Portselan

Country: Estonia
Address: -
Postal Code:

Eesti Portselan

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